Better understand France and the French...


TOURING: places to stay, what's new, travel tips, trips outside Paris

DISCOVERING: the American community, practical tips on life in Paris, unknown Paris
LOVE: the French woman, love in Paris
JOB: working in Paris, doing business in France, working with the French
HEALTH: sick in Paris, the French health system

TODAY : in the press this month, current issues

REFERENCES : bibliography, the language


INTERCULTURAL: intercultural differences, DOs&DONTs, French attitudes, questions about the French, Europe
FRANCE-US: anti-Americanism, Franco - American relations
FRANCE: French history, society, culture, education, religion, movies, literature, songs
UNDERSTANDING:a French Quiz, an insularity test, irksome France, fifty questions on France, who's who
FOOD: recipes, tips on food, wine, cheese
Table of contents / keywords
 F.A.Q. and visitors' letters
 Update page

Read Harriet's latest book about France =>

Joie de Vivre
Previous books :


 A Paris Diary
Editorial page
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Links to services
Links to property & rental
 Family site

Many sites about France give you facts and information. This site does that too - with a plus. You'll get an insider's view of the Franco-American scene : working in Paris, tips about food, strange behavior of the French, what's new, etc. All these and much more from a Franco-American couple in Paris. Welcome!

 © Philippe Rochefort

Last update:

March 1, 2016

 Contact me
A longtime American writer in Paris, Harriet Welty Rochefort is the author of three books about the French. Visit her site,see the events she organizes (Wine & Cheese Tastings, visit of the Pere Lachaise cemetery), invite her to give a talk!